Coverage Sheet = 0.991 SF Tile Size(mm) 42 Tile Thickness(mm) 8 - 12 Mounting Mesh Mounted
Poor, Spa or Water FeatureApplications Suitable Interior Wall/Backflash Yes Fireplace/Cooktop surround Yes* Shower wall Yes Steam show No** Exterior wall Yes
(fully submerge)No
Floor Application
Interior Exterior Shower No No Steam shower No No Light residential Yes▲ No Residential No No
* Acceptable for all walls and sporadic exposure near open flame or heat source, including fireplace wall/cooktop surround. Not recommended for placement inside a firebox.
** Metallic Glazes Dark Silver and Sunset Bronze are not recommended for installation in pools, spas, water features or steam showers. All other colors are acceptable.
▲ Round Ripples in White Sand ONLY, no other patterns or colors are acceptable.
Inspiration Gallery
Notes on Material
Series overview
ナミビア砂漠の風景にある粘土のパン、岩の露出、果てしなく波打つ砂丘が、この立体的なセラミック タイル シリーズにインスピレーションをもたらします。各タイルは手作業で彫刻されており、同じタイルは 2 つとありません。起伏のあるパターンは、隠れたオアシスを発見したような冒険と若返りの感覚を呼び起こします。