さまざまな鮮やかな色の細長い長方形の平らなセラミック フィールド タイル。絶妙な光沢は、何世紀にもわたる高度に専門化されたグレージング技術によって生み出されます。
Coverage 9.677 Pieces per SF Tile Size(mm) 40 x 240 Tile Thickness(mm) 8 Mounting Loose Pieces
Poor, Spa or Water FeatureApplications Suitable Interior Wall/Backsplash Yes Fireplace/Cooktop surround Yes* Shower wall Yes Steam show Yes Exterior wall Yes
(fully submerge)Yes**
Floor Application
Interior Exterior Shower Yes Yes Steam shower Yes No Light residential Yes No Residential No No
* Acceptable for limited and sporadic exposure near open flame or heat source, including fireplace wall/cooktop surround. Not recommended for placement inside a firebox.
** ONLY Single Fired colors (River Rock, Sail, Sand Bar and Light House Blend) are acceptable for installation in pools, spas, water features and light residential floors; NO other colors are acceptable.
Inspiration Gallery
Notes on Material
材質に関する重要な注意事項: Ka-nu セラミック タイルは、独自の設置および適用特性を持つ高光沢釉薬を組み込んだ高焼成粘土です。
Series overview