Inspiration Gallery / Water Feature & Pool


Water Feature & Pool

Outdoor & Pool

The walkway to this residence’s entry is reminiscent of stepping stones across a stream and is playful while giving the feeling one has arrived to an oasis retreat. The Shibui hand-crafted glass mosaics embrace a sense of pristine, invigorating waters that welcome home both residents and guests.

In the living space out back, the same colored Shibui tiles cover the relaxing spa and blend harmoniously with the surrounding nature and encourage that sense to enjoy the view.

Shibui glass mosaics take inspiration from the Japanese aesthetic of beauty that celebrates subtlety and simplicity. Elegant and tranquil on the surface, there is more to Shibui than meets the eye. The tiles are handmade by artisans who stretch and pull layers of transparent and opaque glass to create variations in shade, tone, and texture.

Design Credits: PLA Design Studio & Elements and Surfaces